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Translation Service (EN & JP)
各種翻訳サービス // Translation Services
Tonton JapanEngelsでは、英日・日英の翻訳サービスを行っております。
We have translation service in both Japanese and English.
A bilingual experienced translator produce natural contexts.
In addition, we also do Proofread and Grammar check.
Please take this opportunity to send us for a free price quote (except a large amount of Web Pages or Documents) .
文書翻訳 // Document
ホームページ翻訳 // Web Pages
動画翻訳(字幕)// Video Subtitles
テープ起こし・ナレーション // Vice Narration
翻訳文書校正・添削 // Proofread
注意事項 note
□As a general rule, payment must be made before starting translation. In case of a large amount of Translation needs, pay half to start the work and pay the rest when it’s completed.
□The rate is totally depends on its quality, the amount, the category etc. Please contact us for your actual price quote.
お申し込みの流れ // How it works with us
1. 無料お見積もりのご依頼(翻訳データを添付して頂きます)
1. Send us a free price quote with the document or URL you would like to be translated
2. お見積もりのご確認 (納期のご確認。必要に応じてヒアリングを行います)
2. Confirm the price, due and details. We’ll have some meetings if necessary.
3. 正式発注(ご入稿後、Eメール等で正式にご注文頂きます)
3. Submit the Official Order (Agreement via Email )
4. 翻訳作業開始(ご入金確認後)
4. Start Translation after the payment has been confirmed.
5. 納品
5. Translation Delivery via Email, and all done.